July 13, 2024

Lucid Dreaming Course Step 2: Dream Signs

The time has come for the next step in your journey to experience lucid dreams. It’s about how you can identify signs that you’re already dreaming.

dream signsIt is time to put your journal to good use. Open up your record of your dreams and look for recurring dream signs.

Recurring dream signs refer to anything that pops up repeatedly in your dreams.

These signs that you are dreaming serve as lucidity triggers.

When you can identify dream signs as signposts telling you that you are dreaming it becomes much easier to become conscious within the dream world.

When you identify a dream sign while in the dream state it will help spark your lucidity.

When you see a dream sign simply ask yourself “Am I dreaming?” Then look around your environment for confirmation that you are awake or asleep.

Look for signs that are not normal. When you see things that appear strange this is a good sign that you are dreaming.


The Types of Dream Signs

The following are the five types of dream signs:

  1. One signs involves action. Having any kind of physical activity just seems out of place in dreams.
  2. It’s like having a machine or gadget in your hands and it’s not functioning the way it’s supposed to.The only possible conclusion is that you’re dreaming.
  3. Another sign deals with inner awareness. You just know that something’s strange about the way that you think, feel, or the way you sense things around you. It’s like this, you feel like you want to fly and all of a sudden you’re off and flying off towards the sky. This is a good sign you’re dreaming!
  4. The next type of sign has something to do with form. You’ll know this when the appearance or even the shape of any object, person, or even place looks so out of the ordinary it cannot be real. You’ll know then that you’re dreaming.
  5. Also look at a watch or clock. Your subconscious mind does not understand the concept of time and therefore time acts strangely in a dream. Numbers on clocks jump around and change dramatically; being unable to tell the time is a key dream sign.
  6. Finally, the context of your dream is also an important dream sign to watch out for. If the situation you are in seems just not possible to happen in the real world ten you are definitely dreaming.

Trigger your lucidity by training yourself to be aware of the dream signs described above.

That way, you’ll be able to better understand how your mind works whenever you’re in a dream state.

Learn to Use Your Dream Signs For Lucidity

This is now the time for you to learn to identify your dream signs. Go through your list of dreams and mark each one with a category.

You’ll be using the categories described above for identifying each dream you have.

So against each dream you’ll write A for action, IA for inner awareness, F for form, T for time and C for context. Do this for all the dreams that you’ve recorded in your dream journal.

Write down:

  • A for action
  • I for inner awareness
  • F for form
  • T for time
  • C for context

Once you’ve categorized everything in your journal, you will be better able to recognize what is the most common thread among your dream signals.

dream sign reality checkWhen you identify your main dream sign categories you can reflect on them during the day and see how they differ from your waking everyday world.

Here’s an example: in your dreams you might encounter plenty of strange forms.

The form category is the main thread of your dream world. So, now you know this start to look carefully at how “forms” are in your waking life.

Check out any differences between the forms in your dreams and the forms in your real life.

Any time you see a form and it reminds you of a dream (even if it only reminds you because it is completely different) ask yourself “Am I dreaming?”.

Before you answer that question by automatically saying “no” look for anything strange around you in your forms (or any other dream sign category).

If you automatically say “no” then you will carry this habit into your dreams and just do the same when you are dreaming!

So look for the signs.

This type of close examination of your waking world will result in the dream forms becoming clearer in your dreams and will ultimately lead to lucidity.

This process is also connected to reality checking, which we will discuss more in-depth later.


Identifying dream signs helps in several ways. It helps in developing self awareness as well as sharpens one’s ability to observe.

It also makes reality checking an easier concept to grasp and use later in your training.

Question, not just what your dreams are all about but also, your waking reality. This is a proven way to start experiencing and enjoying lucid dreams spontaneously.

Until next time, keep practicing.

Go to lesson 3.